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Zoning Board of Appeals Action Minutes 11-01-2012
Minutes                     1                          November 1, 2012

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Thomas Berstene, Teri Dickey-Gaignat, Joseph Etter, Joseph Kennedy, James Kupchunos (stated that he listened to the tape from the 9/6/2012 ZBA meeting and is prepared for this case) – sitting for Steve Wagner (who resigned from ZBA)

                Steve Lewis
                Edwina Futtner
STAFF PRESENT:  Pamela Oliva, Zoning Enforcement Officer
Donna Thompson, Recording Secretary

The following are motions made during the November 1, 2012 Public Hearing/Regular Meeting.

Public Hearing  (continued from 9/6/2012)

Chairperson Berstene called the public hearing to order at 7:31 pm in the Madden Room and welcomed new ZBA Commissioner Joseph Kennedy.

Appl. 2764-12 – J.E. Shepard Co./Tim Shepard - request for 39.2 foot variance to Table 3.1.2A to allow lot widths of 160.8 feet (200 ft. required) for properties located at 140 Pleasant Valley Road and 156 Pleasant Valley Road, A-40 zone.

After presentation of the application by Tim Shepard and Dorothy Pysh, and questions from the Commissioners, the public hearing was closed at 8:49 pm.

Chairperson Berstene adjourned the meeting for a break until 9:00 pm.

Deliberative Session:

Appl. 2764-12 – J.E. Shepard Co./Tim Shepard - request for 39.2 foot variance to Table 3.1.2A to allow lot widths of 160.8 feet (200 ft. required) for properties located at 140 Pleasant Valley Road and 156 Pleasant Valley Road, A-40 zone.

Motion to: deny Appl #2764-12, as stated, due to no hardship.
Was made by Commissioner Kupchunos
Seconded by Commissioner Kilburn
The motion:  carried
Vote:  unanimous

Approval of Minutes:

Motion to: approve minutes of 9/6/2012, as amended
Was made by Commissioner Berstene
Seconded by Commissioner Lewis
The motion:  carried
Vote:  yes - Berstene, Dickey-Gaignat, Kilburn, Lewis.  Commissioners Etter, Kupchunos and Futtner abstained due to their absence from the 9/6/12 meeting.

Other Business:  Election of Vice Chairperson

Chairperson Berstene nominated James Kupchunos for Vice President – 5 yes votes
Commissioner Etter nominated Teri Dickey-Gaignat for Vice Chairperson  - 2 yes votes
Commissioner Kupchunos nominates Teri Dickey-Gaignat for Secretary – 7 yes votes

New Zoning Board of Appeals Officers: Vice Chairperson James Kupchunos, Secretary Teri Dickey-Gaignat.

New Business:

Commissioner Etter stated that the recording technology for meetings is outdated and copies of tapes are very poor quality.  He feels that it is important to have this technology improved and updated as soon as possible.  Chairperson Berstene will make the recommendation and request to the Town Planner.


Motion to: adjourn the meeting at 9:33 pm
Was made by Commissioner Kilburn
Seconded by Commissioner Lewis
The motion:  carried
Vote:  unanimous

Respectfully submitted:

Donna Thompson
Recording Secretary